Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Laura Emily Cargile from Raymond. Emily says that Principal Mrs. Melissa Nix has impacted her time at Central Hinds Academy for several reasons. She says that Mrs. Nix is like a free therapist who always has free candy for the students. She says that her proudest moment will be when she gets to participate in graduation day. Emily will be continuing her education next year at Hinds Community College. After finishing community college, Emily would like to continue to the University Medical Center where she plans to pursue a career in nursing. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Macie Curtis from Raymond. Our Salutatorian and Miss CHA, Macie, was also voted Most Christian Character and Most Likely to Succeed in Who's Who and onto the homecoming court. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. She even placed in the top 15% in math at the MC Science/Math Tournament. She is senior class representative and secretary, an FCA leader, and a member of both the art and SADD clubs. Macie shines in athletics as an outside hitter in volleyball, a back spot in cheer, a guard in basketball, a defender in soccer, our number one girls singles player in tennis, and a member of the golf team. She has been chosen as an All-Star in volleyball and an All-American in cheer. Macie is most proud of being part of CHA's state championship teams in both soccer and basketball this year. She mentions homecoming, prom, painting the road, and senior skip day as fun things she will remember. She also mentions Mrs. Renee Smith as a staff member that has impacted her because she is a good example of patience. As you can see from her bio, Macie takes this advice to heart, "Try everything. It may be a little stressful, but it is worth it for the experience." She has received ACT, Salutatorian, tennis, Scholar Athlete of the Year, and state Bible Drill scholarships. She is going to be attending Hinds Community College next year where she plans to pursue a career in nursing. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Landon Oakes from Clinton. Landon's most fun memories from Central Hinds have been made while playing sports. He is an outside lineman in football, plays mixed doubles in tennis, and is a mid defender on the boys soccer team. He has won awards for Second Team Defense and gone to state in mixed doubles tennis. One of his proudest moments was when he hit a home run while playing baseball. When asked what CHA staff member has impacted his time here, he mentions Coach Sam Vincent who has influenced him both through family ties and his relationships. Landon is also a member of the National Honor Society. He hopes to become a Construction Manager and will continue his education next year at Mississippi State University. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Chloe Dyar from Terry. Chloe was voted by her classmates as this year's Prom Queen. She said that this was her proudest moment at CHA realizing that so many people were happy for her in that moment and chose her for that honor. The Cougar Carnival holds some of her most fun memories like painting a pumpkin in the contest, playing games, riding the mechanical bull, and doing face painting. Chloe is generous with her praise of staff at CHA saying "All of the staff members (impacted my time here). I either had a fun conversation or was taught a valuable lesson by each one". Her advice for future cougars is "Be yourself. You can't force yourself to fit a mold that isn't made for you. Also pay attention to the small joys in your life, it makes life just a little bit brighter.". Chloe is a member of the art club and all of CHA's honor societies: National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. Next year she will be attending the University of Mississippi and is still undecided on a major. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Hunter Leggette from Crystal Springs. Hunter is a member of Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society here at Central Hinds Academy. Outside of school he enjoys team roping and competed in the 2023 Little Britches National Rodeo. He says that his most proud and fun moment at Central Hinds have yet to happen because he believes the night that he graduates will be both. As the 2024 recipient of the Edward Martin Perpetual Scholarship, Hunter will be attending Five Star Horseshoeing School in Minco, Oklahoma beginning in July. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Marcus Turner from Clinton. Marcus is very involved in sports at Central Hinds Academy. He is a point guard on the boys basketball team, a defensive back on the football team, and a part of the cougar track team. In fact, one of his proudest moments was going to the state tournament in basketball this year and one of his most fun memories is when the student section painted their chests in support of the team for the South State Tournament at Oak Forest. He has won several awards including Best Defensive Player, Most Improved in both football and track, and Most Dependable in Who's Who. He is currently a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes here on campus. For future cougars Marcus has this advice, "work hard in whatever you do and don't be afraid to be different". Mississippi State University will be Marcus' destination after graduation where he has received a Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship and an Anchor Club Scholarship. His plan as a Bulldog is to major in Civil Engineering. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Cheyenne Brunson from Terry. Of all the memories Cheyenne has of her time at Central Hinds Academy, playing on the elementary playground stands out in her mind as one of the most fun. Her words for future cougars are simple. "Good luck!!" she says. After graduation Cheyenne will be found at Hinds Community College where she has been awarded a Foundation scholarship. Cheyenne plans to prepare for her future by enrolling in the welding program at HCC. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Maylynn Goulette from Raymond. Winning a school first girls soccer state championship as a team captain and striker for the cougars is one of Maylynn's proudest moments. She has been awarded All-District and MAIS All-Star honors as well as the Cougar award in soccer. Cheering on the sidelines on Friday nights as an All-American cheerleader is a fun memory she won't soon forget. Maylynn was also voted football maid during 2024 Homecoming festivities. She excels in the classroom too where she is a member of the National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. As advice to future cougars she has this to say "Be kind to your classmates and make the most out of your years here". She will continue her educational and athletic career in the fall at Hinds Community College where she has been awarded both soccer and ACT scholarships. Maylynn plans to be at HCC for one year before moving on to Mississippi State University where she will be majoring in interior design. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Morgan Townsend from Raymond. When asked which staff members at Central Hinds Academy have made an impact on her time here Morgan mentioned Mrs. Amber Lloyd because she has always been there for her and Mr. Greg Burgess for always making her laugh when she's angry. To future cougars she says "Have fun with your time, do silly things, make memories." Some of her most fun memories as a cougar are dancing with her friends at proms and homecomings. After graduation Morgan will be attending Mississippi College on the Speed Scholarship. She will be majoring in both art and psychology and is excited to see where God takes her in the future. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Nash Lauderdale from Raymond. "It seems like yesterday I was in first grade, time flies, don't take anything for granted. Enjoy Central Hinds. It's a special place." This is the advice Nash has for future cougars. He also mentions the special atmosphere that surrounds the field before and during football games with the students and fans being something he will never forget. Speaking of athletics, Nash is a running back/safety in football, a small forward in basketball, a striker in soccer, a singles player in tennis and part of the track team. Nash has been awarded MVP for both football and tennis as well as multiple cougar and coach's awards. Nash was also voted Most School Spirit in this year's Who's Who. Earning the responsibility of being voted student body president is something of which he is very proud. Mr,. Greg Burgess is someone Nash mentions as being a teacher he could come to and get extra help to understand things better. "He only wanted to see me succeed." says Nash. Next year Nash will be attending Belhaven University on a Blazer Scholarship and will be playing football. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Piper Lloyd from Raymond. Piper is the Valedictorian of this year's senior class. Not surprisingly she is also a member of all of the honor societies at CHA including the National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. Two of Piper's most fun memories are painting the road with her friends and putting on the Haunted Hallway. When asked which Central Hinds staff member has most greatly impacted her time here she mentions her mother, Mrs. Amber Lloyd, because she is always there for her any time she needs anything. To further her education, Piper plans to attend Hinds Community College where she has received an ACT scholarship, a Foundation scholarship, and the Valedictorian scholarship. She is looking forward to finding out what she would like to major in as she continues her path into higher education. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Brady Clark from Clinton. Playing football at Central Hinds Academy as quarterback has been where Brady has made many of his most fun memories during his school years. He also credits his coach Sam Vincent as being a staff member who has impacted his life because he made football even more fun. This goes hand in hand with his advice to future cougars which is "Enjoy it!". His volunteering efforts at the Horses for Handicapped event is a moment that made Brady proud to be a cougar. After graduation, Brady plans to attend Hinds Community College where he has received a Foundation scholarship. He will be majoring in business while there. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Brayden Bullock from Raymond. Mr. CHA and Most Handsome are just two of the accolades that Brayden has been awarded this year. He is also a linebacker/half-back on the football team, competes in boys doubles in tennis, and plays midfield on the boys soccer team. In football where he was awarded District Defensive MVP, chosen as part of the all 4A team, and an All-Star he has made many fun memories. Football Coach Sam Vincent was mentioned by Brayden as the staff member that has impacted his life the most during his time at CHA. A proud moment for Brayden was volunteering with his class at the Horses for Handicapped event. His advice to future cougars is simple. "Stay involved, it's more fun that way." Brayden plans to study accounting and play football next year at Belhaven University where he has received a Presidential Scholarship, the Blazer Scholarship, a Legacy Scholarship, and a Resident Scholar Award. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Sam McCoy from Clinton. Sam is the STAR student for this year's senior class. He was also voted Most Christian Character in Who's Who. Sam is not just a star in the classroom but also on the football field where he plays safety/wide receiver. Some of Sam's proudest moments were any time the Cougars won a football game. He had lots of fun playing football with his friends and mentions Coach Sam Vincent as a Central Hinds staff member that impacted his time here because he always pushes students to be their best. Next year Sam will be attending Mississippi College on the Speed Scholarship where he plans to pursue a degree in Administration of Justice. As advice to future cougars Sam has these words "start good habits and don't procrastinate too much". We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Libbie Martin from Terry. Cheering at Central Hinds and speaking at Fields of Faith are two fun memories Libbie has from her time here. She even won the Cougar Award for varsity cheer her senior year. Libbie is a member of all of CHA's honor societies: National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. She was also voted senior class treasurer. Libbie mentions that Mrs. Carlin Specks is a staff member that she could always count on to be there for her. Her advice for future cougars is "always be kind to everyone and be involved in everything". Next year will find Libbie at Hinds Community College where she has received both Foundation and ACT scholarships. She plans to major in accounting and transfer to Mississippi State University to finish her degree. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Nobile Germany from Edwards. In athletics Nobile is involved at CHA as a center and kicker for football and a power forward on the basketball team as well as a member of the golf team. He has won the special teams MVP Award in football and the Cougar Award in basketball. One of his proudest moments was kicking the game winning field goal against Winston Academy and some of his most fun memories were meeting new coaches while playing football and making new friends. Nobile has also been voted by the student body as their treasurer and as Silliest Senior and Senior Class Favorite in this year's Who's Who. Nobile mentions several staffers when asked who has impacted his time at Central Hinds. These include Mr. Greg Burgess because he always helped when needed, Mrs. Madeline Arthur because she always has a way to make students smile, and Mrs. Renee Smith because she taught many valuable lessons in life. After graduation Nobile will be a business major on scholarship at Belhaven University while also playing on the Blazer football team. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
4 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Rivers Johns from Raymond. For varsity cheerleader and team captain Rivers, cheering at the MAIS Spirit competition is one of her most fun memories from her senior year at Central Hinds Academy. Her hard work in the classroom also shows as she is a member of Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society, National Honor Society, and Science National Honor Society. Rivers can also boast of being a Top 10 Cougar. She has been awarded an ACT scholarship to The University of Southern Mississippi where she plans to major in nursing. She has also been accepted in the USM ACES (Academic Connections to Enhance Success) Health Professions Program. She plans to become a labor and delivery nurse when she finishes college. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
5 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Tucker Gray from Utica. Friendliest and the Football Coach's Award are two of the awards Tucker has won at CHA. He is also a member of the Science National Honor Society, National Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. Tucker is a two sport athlete playing receiver/cornerback in football and second baseman/shortstop in baseball. Football bus rides are a fun memory and his proudest moment at CHA was winning the Scott Nelson Memorial Award. A cougar staff member that impacted Tucker is Coach Sam Vincent because "he made me really enjoy my years of Central Hinds football". He reminds future and current cougars to be sure that they "Don't take their time at CHA for granted". Next year will find Tucker at Hinds Community College on Foundation and ACT scholarships as he pursues a major in Sports Medicine. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
5 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Charlie Middleton from Edwards. Charlie is not only the captain of our Cougar Drumline, he was also very proud to be given the MVP award for the drumline by his director. One of his most fun memories here at Central Hinds was playing drums at the homecoming games. When asked what advice he had for future cougars Charlie wisely said "Don't let the negative opinions of others impact your dreams in life". Next year Charlie will be pursuing his dreams of becoming an automotive mechanic by majoring in automotive technology at Hinds Community College. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
5 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors
Central Hinds Academy Senior Spotlight: Lannee Bray from Raymond. While at CHA, Lannee has been impacted by Mrs. Melissa Nix the most. She says "When I am around her I feel like I can tell her anything. She just makes me feel comfortable". One of her most fun memories is getting to take almost every class with her best friend Emily. She advises future cougars that "senior year is expensive so save your money". Along with being SADD club president, Lannee is involved in cougar athletics as a two sport athlete in softball and golf. One of her proudest moments was pitching three games in a row during the playoffs while injured. Lannee plans to continue her athletic career at East Mississippi Community College where she will be on a golf scholarship. She plans to major in psychology while also playing on the golf team. We wish all our seniors good luck as they finish the year and move on to the next step in their journey.
5 months ago, Central Hinds Academy (bc)
central hinds seniors